Chaotic360 Remastered



To purchase a licence you will need to navigate to the purchase tab, select your package and contact a seller via Discord.

Once the seller has enabled your account you should be able to see the download section within the panel. You will need to click on the Download Chaotic360 tab and then install Chaotic360.

Now you have downloaded Chaotic360 and installed it, you will need to enter your credentials and login to the Chaotic360 tool. You should now be prompted with a Chaotic360 Management page within the panel showing your Machine ID, you will now need to check this to make sure it matches with the one showing within the tool, if it does match press save, if it does not match enter the correct Machine ID and then press save.


If you have purchased a new computer or made changes to your computer which would affect your Machine ID you can always make a change within the panel. WARNING you will only be able to make a change once a month.If you have already exceeded your limit please create a ticket within out ticket system which can be found Here requesting a MachineID, whiles doing this always included a proof of purchase and a rough estimated time of purchase

If you are receiving this error, this is normally caused by having the tool running has admin or having a USB/CD plugged in/Running. If this is not the case contact our us using our ticket system which can be found Here and a member of our support team will get back to as soon has they can.

Chaotic360 Tool
To find your MachineID within the Chaotic360 modding tool you simply open up the Chaotic360 modding navigate to the login page check the checkbox stating Show MacHash and the textbox underneath your password will appear your MachineID
Chaotic360 Panel
navigate to Here select the checkbox stating Show Machine Hash and your Machine ID will become visible

if you have forgotten your password there is no need to worry, if this new panel you can now reset your password on the login screen or change your password within the panel.

Currently this is a known bug that has been fixed for the next update, due to Epic Shelter conflicting with anther plugin such has MatrixMods and/or Destruction it will Crash Chaotic360 modding tool with an error and also crash your console. To fix this issue there two ways, one of them are disable Epic Shelter by navigating to Documents/Chaotic360/settings.json and setting es to false or the other way is disable the conflicting plugin within your launch.ini.

Upon connection within the Chaotic360 tool if you are approached by an error stating JRPC and/or XRPC could not be found this is due that the specific plugin could not be found, to fix this simply download our Plugins files which can be Here and set them as your plugins within your launch.ini.